Hi everyone, Jordan here with you today. How is your January shaping up?
Ours? Busy, and bloomin’ brilliant
As you may know if you follow Barb’s Blog, we’re setting up shop in the USA through Amazon, meaning our North American customers can get hold of our fantastic products more easily. And it’s been a long process! First, deciding which of the products to send along, then filling boxes with products, then palettes with boxes, and finally, booking the shipment to send across the Atlantic
Phew! Hard work, but it’ll be worth it once you guys and gals in the States are more easily, happily Crafting with Clarity
Here’s a little peek behind the scenes;

Some of our North American customers have already discovered our products on Amazon stateside, without us even telling you it had arrived yet! And we’ve already seen orders placed, which is just fantastic.
Our Grace Gray is on standby in the States to start shouting about Clarity US… starting next week!
So, from now on, we’ll be hosting Grace here at the Clarity Matters Blog, too, giving her the platform to shout about all things Clarity USA. Twice a week, she will be updating you on our Clarity journey here, in her own inimitable fashion.
You can expect her first posts here next week.
You’ll also be hearing from her on our new Facebook page, Clarity US, which will be a hub of information, inspiration and crafting support for our Stateside customers.
Exciting, eh?
Lastly, if you are in the USA and you shop on our website, you’ll notice that you can now shop our products in Dollars! This will also make it a lot easier to shop our full range of products from America. So, if you can’t find a product you’re after in the Amazon US store just yet, take a look at claritystamp.com and see all our prices in dollars
So then, we’ll see you next week with a post from Grace on all things Clarity USA.
Clarity Matters. It really does.
Until next time!
Jordan x